Oncelikle shell hesabimiza anopeyi cekiyoruz.
ston@server1 [~]# wget
http://depo.mirchane.com/dosyalar/anope-1.7.17.tar.gzSimdi dosyayi acalim.
ston@server1 [~]#tar zxvf anope-1.7.17.tar.gz
simdi kurulum islemlerine basliyalim.
ston@server1 [~]# cd anope-1.7.17/
ston@server1 [~/anope-1.7.17]# ./configure
Anope size bazi sorular sorucaktir, bu sorularin ilk bastaklilerine direkman ENTERa basarak gecin.
Which of the following is closest to the type of server on your IRC network?
1) DreamForge 4.6.7 [this is an old IRCd, you should upgrade to Bahamut]
2) Bahamut 1.4.27 or later
3) UnrealIRCd 3.1.1 or later
4) UltimateIRCd 2.8.2 or later
5) Sequana 0.3.0 or later
6) UltimateIRCd 3.0.0 (alpha26 or later only)
Kullanicaginiz ircd`ye gore seciminizi yapin.
Bundan sonraki sorulara da direkman ENTER deyip gecin. Sira geldi kuruluma.
ston@server1 [~/anope-1.7.17]# make
ston@server1 [~/anope-1.7.17]# make install
anope artik ~/services/ klasorune kuruldu, simdi services/ klasorune girip example.conf u editleyin, daha sonra bunu services.conf olarak kayit edip, servisleri ./services diyerek calistirin.